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Band Boosters

The PHS Band Boosters is a group of proud parents who are committed to helping the band and its directors in any way possible. They continuously raise money for band needs, such as food, props, wheels, etc. They also help move equipment/props in order for the students to have a successful show.

Booster President

Kathy Villagomez

Duties of the President:

Preside at all regular and special meetings of the PHS Band Boosters. Presides over the executive team.


Booster Vice President

Tammy Lara

Duties of the Vice President:

Assists the president in all duties and shall preside at any meeting the president is unable to attend.


Booster Treasurer

Renee Jones

Duties of the Treasurer:

Receive, deposit, and disburse all PHS Band Booster funds as directed by the membership. Maintains a working financial ledger on each account of receipts and disbursements. Makes a financial report at each executive team, regular and special meeting as required.


Booster Secretary

Stephanie Favors

Duties of Secretary:

Take meeting notes and keeps all of us up to date!

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Who are the Boosters?

Band students, parents, guardians, grandparents, alumni, and other persons interested in promoting the purposes of the organization are able to be members of the PHS Band Boosters. 


Voting is limited to PfISD faculty and parents or legal guardians of current band students attending PHS or one of the middle schools that feed directly to PHS (Pflugerville Middle School  or Park Crest Middle School).


Booster By-Laws


The booster by-laws are reviewed each year at the July meeting. You can review current by-laws below.

Current Booster Meeting Minutes


Missed the most recent meeting? No problem! ​Use the button below to access most recent notes.

Archived Booster History


Want to know how far we have come? No problem! Dive into the archives with the buttons below!

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